Limiting belief: It's a good shot.

Limiting belief: It's a good shot.
Photo by Chris Moore / Unsplash

最近看了《Jeremy Lin's UNTOLD Stories》,紀錄其中一段很印象深刻的內容

Josh Fan 問 Jeremy Lin 有沒有給後輩的任何意見,Jeremy Lin 提到 limiting beliefs(限制性信念)

I'll give a small example my whole life especially as a pro people are saying like oh you can't shoot you can't shoot.
so, what I tell myself I'm not a great shooter I'm not a great shooter and I was like yeah like
and then it's not until I found a sports psychologist... they really like helped me reframe and rewire myself.
number one you're a great shooter.
number two like just because you don't hit a couple doesn't mean that it's not your night.
for me I started to re-shape my mindset and I was like i had to understand
number one what is your limiting belief. my limiting belief was I'm not a great shooter. then number two you have to replace that limiting belief with a new belief
I started defining what a good shot and a bad shot was differently and I stopped looking at the result.
I just was like hey this is a shot I've worked on .I know I can make it. I shot it. that's a good shot.
如果我知道這是我一直努力/鑽研/準備好的一個出手時機(this is a shot I've worked on)
我覺得我能做到(I know i can make it)
而我投出去了(I shot it)
這就是一個好球 (that's a good shot.)

that was like what really helped me break through as a shooter.
而這真的幫助我突破成為一個 shooter

so now this is why you know when I went to the g league, I was number one in the g league in shooting efficiency.

我對那個 Good shot 的定義很有共鳴

I started defining what a good shot and a bad shot was differently and I stopped looking at the result.
this is a shot I've worked on
I know i can make it.
I shot it.
that's a good shot.